S.O.S Creativity, Seniors online security for creativity Kick-off Project meeting held online

CIRCLE foundation from Poland participates in the Erasmus+ programme with the project SOS Creativity, Seniors online security for creativity.

On April 15th 2021, the consortium joined the online Kick-Off Meeting of SOS Creativity, a 24-month Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission. The KOM, originally planned in Málaga, Spain was held in online mode due to COVID-19 restrictions.

After the official greetings from coordinator, each Institution involved introduced itself in a brief presentation, then administrative aspects were dealt with, the OER  Platform which will be available in all the project’s languages, an overview of all Intellectual Outputs expected, along with Dissemination tasks to be implemented at a local, national and European level.

This Erasmus+ project will give the opportunity to eight partners from Spain, France, the Republic of North Macedonia, Belgium, Poland and Italy to develop free and user friendly deliverables to enable seniors to benefit from online cultural and artistic contents, resources and activities in total security being aware of the risks of navigating and downloading such resources.
The 2-year project’s implementation will allow partners to share innovative and high-quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults to address common challenges, such as: digital competences for seniors, development and inclusion through creativity and the arts and senior welfare).

Internet Web Solutions, the project coordinator together with the consortium showed a genuine enthusiasm in collaborating toghether in this project that aims to support seniors in a Covid-19 post-pandemic era, in which the Internet has a bigger impact even on personal relationships.

The role of the CIRCLE foundation in the project is to implement all tasks. This includes mapping, development, testing of training solutions. CIRCLE is actively involved in dissemination actions to spread information and promote uptake of solutions developed and of all other project results.

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