GREEN SYNERGY Project reaches successful conclusion, empowering European SMEs and Entrepreneurs

GREEN SYNERGY Project reaches successful conclusion, empowering European SMEs and Entrepreneurs

GREEN SYNERGY, an innovative initiative co-funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme, is celebrating its successful completion. The project has significantly empowered SMEs and entrepreneurs with essential green skills and knowledge, with the aim of greening business practices across Europe.

A Vision for Sustainable Growth

At its core, the GREEN SYNERGY project has provided SMEs and entrepreneurs with the essential tools, knowledge, and support for sustainable growth. Through comprehensive Open Education Resources (OER), the project has shared invaluable insights, best practices, and case studies, fostering a culture of innovation and environmental responsibility.

Key Achievements

  • GREEN SYNERGY OER Platform and Virtual Community, tailored to the needs of small enterprises and entrepreneurs
  • Comprehensive analysis of EU and national training needs for green skills and competences
  • Delivered eight online courses, tested, and validated with 1,000 learners across Europe
  • Guidelines for future use to ensure long-term sustainability and impact

Innovative Educational Resources

The project’s Multilingual OER platform and Virtual Community have driven business performance while promoting environmental protection. This user-friendly platform offers free courses in six languages, enabling businesses to access resources, share experiences, and forge partnerships for sustainable development.

Within the “Educational Resources” section of the GREEN SYNERGY Platform, users can access eight free, flexible and multilanguage courses, each composed of five modules. Resources provide short, ready-to-use snapshots of training content, easily accessible to meet diverse operational needs. Each course include:

  • Overviews and introductions to training topics
  • Video materials, fiches, and PowerPoint presentations
  • Training fiches in multiple formats (pdf, ppt, word)
  • Case studies
  • Multiple-choice questions

As GREEN SYNERGY concludes, it leaves behind a robust framework for sustainable business practices that will continue to benefit SMEs and entrepreneurs across Europe. We invite all interested parties to join our Virtual Community, connect with like-minded professionals, and access our comprehensive training resources. Together, we can drive sustainable business development and environmental protection.

For more information, please visit our website