Multifunctional role of women as a key driver for rural development

<strong>Multifunctional role of women as a key driver for rural development</strong>

PROJECT MORE – Second co-creation event – Circle

The 27th October 2022, the second co-creation meeting has been organised with the aim to validate the strategy of the training development of the MORE project.

At the beginning a main information of the project and its progress have been presented.

The main part of the discussion was dedicated to the training methodologies and strategies related to the training development.

The participants confirmed and agreed that the training courses need to be challenging and interesting. They expect them to be understandable and easily accessible from different devices like laptops, iPads but also from smartphones as the rural women use the smartphones for several daily activities, they are and they need/want to be always connected. 

Moreover, each training has to be interesting and involve easily the participant to continue exploring it and making progress in it. For this reason, it is suggested the use the “challenging” images and videos to encourage and make the training “friendly” and help to understand some “difficult” or complicated contents.

The participants suggested to involve and inform about the MORE activities several KGW (Kolko Gospodyn Wiejskich) operating on the Polish territory that represent interests and work to improve the social and professional situation of rural women.

For more information about the MORE project: